Halloween party ideas 2015

Photogenic Dog Loves Dressing Up in Elaborate Cardboard Cutouts

Meet Chihuahua-mametaro—the delightful little puppy who loves to look his head through the most innovative cardboard set patterns. His human sidekick is a Japanese lady named Semba. In her extra time, Semba makes recyclable outfits, shapes, and covers for her pup to wear. She started with fundamental shapes (curlicues, stars, lion manes) until she developed more certain about her manifestations and started to create confused plans in view of manga and playing cards. Semba offers her photographs of Chihuahua-mametaro on her Twitter account, @myouonnin. "Individuals chuckle when they see these photographs," she tells Buzzfeed. "They likewise adulate the pooch, who figures out how to remain still." 

To be sure, it is the agreeable Chihuahua-mametaro who is the star of these photos—notwithstanding when half of his body is covered up by the outfit. At the point when it's the ideal opportunity for Semba to press the screen, she hollers the enchantment words, "Go home!" and the little canine pops his grinning face through the gap. Both Semba and her puppy demonstrate that it doesn't take much to make happiness. At times you simply require cardboard and a touch of persistence.

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