Halloween party ideas 2015

       Weekend warriors, rejoice! Science has some great

                 news about  your exercise regimen


 A team of researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health, universities in England and Australia, research and Gedo that when compared with adults settled, the Warriors at the end of the week, who has done the recommended 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity was in one or two sessions a week risk less than 30% of deaths from all causes, including cardiovascular disease (40 percent less) and cancer (18 percent lower). That means 8802 fewer deaths from all causes, including 2780 from cardiovascular disease and 2,526 from cancer.

These results indicate that when it comes to exercise, sports activities and quality excel quantity. "One comprehensive workout is worth more than a few bad planning exercises," says New York Health & Racquet Golf Club personal trainer, Greg Peck. Perhaps most important is the evidence that some exercise is better than nothing. "There is no such thing bad practice," adds Peck.

If your sweat sessions are limited, Beck suggests hiring a personal trainer services, even for a few sessions, because he or she can show you how to maximize your time and also use the right model, so you do not get hurt. If personal training is not in the budget, Beck recommends doing less 30 minutes from the heart, such as jumping rope, walking on a treadmill, cycling, or using an elliptical machine, followed by weight-bearing exercises: Try to do three sets of 12 to 15 squats representatives weighted, chest presses, deadlifts, curls bicep, triceps kickbacks and crunches ab. If you can not get to the gym, go for rapid walking or running, and do three sets of 12-15 pushups, bodyweight squats, leg raises, sit-ups, tricep dips, and lunges. Get the most out of each session by focusing on the upper body with the heart one day and lower body with heart disease in the next day. (Here are more home exercises to try.)

According to the results of the study, it's also a good idea to crank up the physical activity during leisure time as well. Maybe go bowling with friends bowling instead of happy hour, or going for a walk with your family instead of parking in the front is this kind of things are all things that help increase traffic and increase the body's Alnchaz

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